I'm gradually painting my way towards having enough stuff to do an Aliens themed RPG. First job is to get the Colonial Marines out the way, then I have a bunch of Khurasan/Elhiem/RalPratha alien minis to make up my hordes of Xenos.
So, set to the task of painting the (Elhiem miniatures) Colonial Marines this weekend. I have to admit, after yyeeeaaars of painting models I couldn't bring myself to paint the marines in their standard all green uniforms. Because. Green is boring. So I decided to go with Green overals underneath blue body armour, with a few little red bits here and there for pop.
Again, this is thinner coats on a white undercoat. With these dudes I actually went in an did more pronounced highlights on the armour, something I'm normally too lazy (and lack the confidence) to try. Gotta admit, it's rough but I'm sold on doing more contrasty highlights. Deffo makes everything pop more.
Now that I've sat and taken some pics, I think I could deffo do with going back and hitting the skin areas with some more highlights too, but overall I'm happy with them (bases are yet to be completed).
As always, comments and crit would be welcome (and encourage me to keep painting and posting).
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